Welcome to the new Norcal Karters website. An unfortunate deletion of karting events prompted the next evolution in the Norcal Karters history. I was faced with a couple of choices:
- Relist All Deleted Kart Events on old Norcal Karters Calendar – https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=norcalkarters%40gmail.com&ctz=America%2FLos_Angeles
- Relist Sponsor Only Kart Events on old Norcal Karters Calendar
- Apply Time From Both Above Tasks to Remodel Norcal Karters Website
After a few days of talking to a few friends, evaluating what needed to get done, as well as reviewing requests from many karters on cool features missing from the website, I decided to say F- It and go all in on a redesign. The redesign includes easier interaction with our social media pages:
- Youtube – Norcal Karters on YouTube
- Norcal Karters on FaceBook
- Norcal Karters on Instagram
- Norcal Karters on Spreaker
The new Karting Events Calendar is interactive with searches by tracks, promoters, and locations. As usual, I will offer free listings to all clubs and promoters that have local karting events. Being that the enhanced listings have been a huge success, we will continue to offer the enhanced listings. If you would like to sponsor a local club or series to upgrade their listings to enhanced, please contact us. The new landing page for the events will be http://wp9.temp.domains/~norcalka/events/
The new layout on the site will allow me to approach more sponsors to help fund the promotion of karting in our regions. My original business model for Norcal Karters was focused on clean design and no button ads. However, I’ve been approached many times for sponsorship and businesses want to see their logo. The focus is to offer sponsorship placements while not detracting from the main content of the website, karting content.
At first I was very ticked off that the events were deleted, because I have another karting business that I have been working to grow, https://extrakartparts.com/, but sometimes you are forced into action with unforeseen circumstances. So stay tuned to our page and our different social platforms for updates and new content. If you have a suggestion the Norcal Karters page, please contact us, this site is for the karters.
I would like to take a moment to thank our site sponsors and clubs that see the value in what I offer for the karting community
- Extra Kart Parts – https://extrakartparts.com/
- GFC Karting – http://gfckarting.com/
- Gorilla BBQ – https://gorillabbq.com/
- Team Visalia
- Trackmagic Owners Group – https://trackmagicog.com/
- Central California Kart Racing Association – https://www.cckra.com/race-schedule/
- Challenge Karting – Challenge of the Americas – California Rok Championship – http://www.challengekarting.com/
- NCK Road Racing – https://nckroadracing.com/
- Northern Nevada Kart Club – https://www.nnkcreno.com/schedule
- Sonoma Rok Cup – https://sanzarukarting.com/
- Prairie City Karting – https://pckarting.com/
- Southern Oregon Karters – http://www.sokarters.org/
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