Welcome to the show Gorilla BBQ. A new sponsor to our podcast show. Owner, Rich Bacchi, has been around karting since the 1990’s with the famed Trackmagic Factory Team. Rich wants to continue the promotion of karting and the Trackmagic brand.

To join the Trackmagic OG’s – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1816255888667285
They also have a new website – www.trackmagicog.com
You can also buy the international famed Gorilla Super Combo Spice Rub to spruce up your next day by the grill or bbq – https://gorillabbq.com/…/prod…/super-combo-spice-rub-mix
Rich Bacchi has traveled the world with the America’s Chefs Organization – https://americaschefs.org/.
The primary purpose of America’s Chefs is to work with all facets of U.S. Diplomatic Missions, the U.S. military and their families, both domestically and abroad and to provide entertainment, education and boost morale through culinary related shows and demonstrations.
America’s Chefs provides celebrity chefs and other culinary related personalities with a vehicle capable of presenting shows and demonstrations at select military bases, installations and Diplomatic Missions. The culinary experts of America’s Chefs offer educational opportunities as well as healthy rivalries through demonstrations and cooking competitions.
And to tie in Gorilla BBQ with the Norcal Karting Scene, Rich has a restaurant location in Pacifica, CA right on HWY 1 in a converted Caboose serving up BBQ ribs, BBQ brisket, and select side dishes. – https://gorillabbq.com/contact-us
A few years ago, I caught up with Rich Bacchi at one of the first Trackmagic Rally’s at the Bluemax kart track, you can listen to the podcast here – https://www.spreaker.com/user/11321387/episode-34-norcal-and-beyond-karting-sce
For all other karting podcasts, check out our podcast page – Podcast
Thank you again Gorilla BBQ and Rich Bacchi.