When: September 28-29, 2019
Where: BlueMax Kart Club in Davis, CA. https://www.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=Blue+Max+Kart+Club,+24998+Co+Rd+102,+Davis,+CA+95618,+USA
The 2019 Fall Trackmagic BBQ and track day is happening. This is not only a gathering for Trackmagic owners, but all those interested in karts, specifically shifter karts, and more specifically those manufactured by TrackMagic.
This will be a BBQ, Shine and Show, Reunion, Potluck, trackday, and just a great gathering of friends new and old. This is a great way to bring someone new into the karting family.
The cost to enter is FREE! If you will be driving on the racing surface, the normal track practice fees will apply.
You can check out the facebook group page for the Trackmagic Owners Group for current details – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1816255888667285/
For practice info and track hours, you can visit the BMKC page – https://bluemaxkartclub.wildapricot.org/Contact
Confirmed Trackmagic Alumni include (not particular order):
- Gary Carlton –
- Landon Yee
- Oliver Rowen
- Jason LaPoint and family
- Big Rich – Gorilla BBQ –Yelp Listing
- Kyle Martin
- George Barros
Check out the above podcast for my interview with Bob Iriks, the organizer of this event.